Powerful speeches and joyful vibes at our 30th anniversary

Powerful speeches and joyful vibes at our 30th anniversary

Current and former teachers and staff from the Reading Writing Hotline

Current and former Hotline teachers and staff

The Hotline celebrated its 30th Anniversary at the Mint in Sydney with inspiring speakers, a special video story, recognition of lifetime achievements, and lots of old and new friends.

Current and former Hotline staff joined in the celebration along with education, community and industry partners from across Australia, literacy learners, Hotline callers, and the Federal and State Ministers. It was a wonderful celebration of the power of adult literacy and numeracy in changing people’s lives.

Both Brendan O’Connor, Federal Minister for Skills and Training, and Steve Whan, NSW Minister for Skills, TAFE, and Tertiary Education spoke about the enormously valuable role the iconic Hotline plays in connecting people to literacy/numeracy programs across Australia. The Hotline has received over 185,000 calls during its thirty years.

Minister O’Connor outlined the Federal Government’s increased commitment to literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy, particularly around changes to the SEE program. It was also heartening that Minister Whan took the time to speak with the adult literacy learners at the event and to acknowledge in his speech their courage in taking that first step.

A highlight of the day was the Hotline’s inaugural Adult Literacy Legend Award, presented by Minister O’Connor to Pamela Osmond (see below). Pam has made a huge contribution to the adult literacy field as a teacher, curriculum developer, researcher, and manager. It was a wonderful recognition of her work.

Lyn Wilson, chair of the Hotline’s Steering Committee, reiterated the importance of the Hotline for callers and providers from across Australia and as a national centre of literacy and numeracy information, innovation and resources. She also pointed to the pivotal role of adult literacy and numeracy teachers in responding to the evolving literacy needs in the community and industry, and the urgent need to implement measures to rebuild a declining workforce.

Hotline Manager Vanessa Iles brought the event to a close, paying tribute to the courageous people who ring the Hotline, the expert teachers who respond to their calls, and the Hotline’s inspiring partners.

The afternoon was a great opportunity to share stories of the Hotline and the rich history of those who contributed to its longevity.  It was a fitting acknowledgement of educators across Australia who have worked so hard in the adult literacy/numeracy field.

Check out our short anniversary video, which celebrates the Hotline’s history, role, and people over the last thirty years. It is now on our website.

Fine Print, the journal of the Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council in Victoria has recently published an article The Reading Writing Hotline at 30 years by Don Perlgut. We thank both Fine Print for permission to republish this article and Don Perlgut for his insights and perspective.

Federal Minister O’Connor and Pamela Osmond

Federal Minister O’Connor and Pamela Osmond

NSW Minister Steve Whan

NSW Minister Steve Whan

Michael West, Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Lands Council giving the Welcome to Country

Michael West, Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Lands Council giving the Welcome to Country

Keynote from Minister O’Connor

Keynote from Minister O’Connor

Vanessa Iles Manager, Reading Writing Hotline with MC Chemene Sinson

Vanessa Iles Manager, Reading Writing Hotline with MC Chemene Sinson

Lyn Wilson, Chair of the Reading Writing Hotline Steering Committee

Lyn Wilson, Chair of the Reading Writing Hotline Steering Committee