New resources on the RW Hotline website

New resources on the RW Hotline website


The Hotline regularly adds new resources to its website. The latest publication is our new free resource Reader friendly communication: A guide to using plain language.   It explores how to

  • use plain language
  • understand your readers
  • design your message
  • present your information in different ways to reach as many people as possible.

It also includes useful case studies of organisations including government, education and community organisations which are currently providing great models in making their communications more reader friendly.

Take a look at the many videos on our website which could be useful teaching and learning resources in your classroom. Five of the videos on the website feature short conversations between literacy teacher Adam Nobilia and literacy student Mike who were both in the popular first SBS series of Lost for Words. The videos explore issues around literacy learning and teaching and could be used in your classrooms as conversation starters.

The Hotline website also has a range of useful resources for adult volunteer literacy tutors. These may be a useful starting point for libraries and organisations that want to start up a volunteer program, you can access these resources under the tutors tab at the top of the Reading Writing Hotline website screen.