Huge response to Hotline survey

Huge response to Hotline survey

A big thank you to the many adult literacy and numeracy teachers, tutors, and managers who filled in our recent survey. Over 470 of you responded to tell us what’s happening on the ground and what the NEEDS are for community literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy. The responses are being analysed now and we will give you a snapshot in the next Literacy Links.

We also want to thank the thirteen providers across Australia who trialled the survey for us. Their comments really improved the wording of the survey questions, and we are very grateful.

Congratulations to the four winners of the $100 gift cards – Maureen and Elaine from New South Wales and Marian and Robyn from Queensland.

As flagged in the last Literacy Links, we are surveying a range of stakeholders and providers to build an in-depth picture. We have also sent out a tailored version of the survey to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander providers. This will help us to collect accurate information about the level of need and demand that First Nations providers and communities are experiencing. In the second half of this year, we will be surveying community organisations, and public libraries.

We will provide the collated and analysed information in a series of reports to the Commonwealth.